When planting an herb garden, you must choose the appropriate zone that will allow for the herbs to grow in their natural way. If you are new to herb gardening or are inexperienced, it is a good idea to consult a professional who can answer these questions for you. The herbs do best in a zone that is slightly cooler and not too dry. A moisture meter can be used to determine what the moisture level is outside of your home. This is a good way to determine if you are in the right zone for growing herbs in your garden.
Planting herbs in pots is an easy way to get them established in your garden before you put them under the tree to go to work later. Some people like to have fresh herbs as soon as they arrive in their garden. This allows them to taste the freshness of the herbs before they have a chance to go bad. If you are planting herbs with seeds, they should be placed into a separate container to keep the seed from becoming wet and moldy.
When planting herbs, it is best to dig the holes in the ground a little deeper than the width of the hole. This will allow the roots to get a good root grip. Once the roots are established, it will be easier to guide the plants towards the light end of the spectrum. It will also help if you plant the herbs closer together so that they can grow together and help each other out.
It is not uncommon to encounter weeds while herb gardening, especially in containers. To keep them from being a nuisance you can place a weed barrier in your herb gardening zone. This will help keep weeds from getting to the roots of the herbs. If you decide to use weed barriers, there are several to choose from.
A well-lit area is essential for herb growing. You will want to make sure there is plenty of natural light coming in through windows or even a sunny window if you can. Sunlight helps your herbs to mature quickly. You should also place the zone in the southern or western portion of the yard depending on the type of climate you have. The herbs will need the proper amount of moisture, so you will want to water them accordingly. Most herbs do fine in a regular watering but you may have to check and see if they need more water.
In the winter season you will want to protect your plants from the harsh temperatures outside. For this you can use mulch to prevent damage. During the spring you will want to fertilize all of your herbs. This will help your herbs to start out strong and healthy. By the way remember to only plant herbs that can grow tall because tall growing herbs can become top heavy and cause your garden to come to the ground.
After planting in the garden area you will want to move them to the herbs garden area. Do not just put them anywhere because that would be too hard on the plants. You will want to plant them in a zigzag pattern because this will provide them with plenty of sunlight and air. There are a few other tips you should know about planting herbs in a gardening zone. The most important thing is that your herbs will get plenty of sunlight and water.
One last tip I will mention about planting herbs in a gardening zone is that they like well-drained soil. So try to get an area with a good amount of drainage. It may seem like a big task at first but it really isn’t when you learn about how each herb grows. Now you can choose exactly where you want to place your gardening zones. It will truly be a wonderful way to spice up your garden.