Hanging plastic planters is one way that we can be more earth friendly. When plastic is not used, we have to use something to catch the waste that results from the growing of plants. We have to either use a land fill or send the waste to a landfill. This is a very inefficient use of our limited resources.
Fortunately, we can use our limited resources in a more environmentally-friendly manner… by making other types of containers. So what are some good choices? Hanging plastic planters can be a great solution to both the problem of limited resources and the problem of limited space. Let’s take an example of using hanging planter containers to grow tomatoes for import shipments. You will need a lot of pots to grow these tomato plants, but you can fit a lot of them into a single container.
Let’s assume that we are sending tomato plants from Florida to import in California. In this case, we would need about 20 large plastic planters planter boxes. The boxes would be arranged in two sections, with one section set up on the ground to catch the rainwater runoff from the roof of the warehouse and another section set up inside the buildings to keep the plants warm during shipping. Once the crates of tomatoes reach us, we could then stack the crates on top of each other in our hanging planter container garden. That way, we’d be getting the best possible temperature distribution and freshness throughout the shipment.
It turns out that there is also another benefit to using hanging plastic planters for our import shipments of plastic planters… We save money. It is much less expensive to rent the crates and have someone else do all the heavy lifting and shipping and storing. With the help of modern technology, we can simply email an invoice to the supplier and let them handle the packing and shipping of our products. Plus, the fewer crates we need, the cheaper our shipping costs will be.
There are many benefits to our use of hanging plastic planters in our import shipments of tomato plants and fruit for example. But, what if we didn’t care about the environment and the economy? What if we just wanted our tomato plants and fruit to be seen and eaten right in front of us? What if we bought organic produce wherever we purchased it…at farmers’ markets, farmer’s markets or from a grocery store?
Would we still have our premium, imported tomato plants and fruit? Probably not. If we lived in a city like Los Angeles, California, which has some of the most stringent organic standards in the nation, our produce would simply not be allowed into the stores there. And, even in stores that do allow organic produce, it probably wouldn’t be allowed to stay on the shelves long enough to make any difference. The chances of an organic farmer having the tomatoes or peppers in the store all summer long are small. Why send them across the country or even around the world when we could ship them home for harvest in our own backyard?
Another benefit of hanging plastic planters in our backyards is the convenience. Instead of having to be at the mercy of our local growers to ship their produce where we want it, we can simply order it online and have it delivered to us as needed. We don’t have to be concerned with our neighbors seeing our produce. We don’t have to worry about the logistics of how it’s shipped or the quality of it since the produce is all organic. When we’re done with it, we simply have to dispose of it properly.
There are many other benefits to hanging plastic planters. While they might seem more expensive initially, in the long run they’re an investment that will pay for itself time again. You get the benefit of fresh produce year-round, the convenience of not having to physically tend to your plants, and you don’t have to worry about rotting fruits or damaged or dead trees. There really aren’t any drawbacks to these hanging plastic planters and I recommend them to everyone.