A growing lemon balm from seed is easy when you have the proper supplies. Before you plant the seeds, take some time to learn how to plant a successful herb garden. Lemon balm is a member of the mint family and because of this fact, can be bothered by both bees and wasps. Mint is an evergreen perennial that grows well in almost any soil condition.
Mint has been used as a cooking ingredient since ancient times. It has a fresh, lemony flavor that is enjoyed in sandwiches, salads, soups and even stews. Growing mint from seed is similar to planting mint in your garden. Just be sure that the area that you are planting it in has not been affected by pesticides or herbicides. Mint should be planted about four to six feet away from the main house. If you are growing it indoors, put a glass of water in the area and add one inch of lime per 5-inch pot.
There are several ways that you can grow a lemon balm from seed. The most effective method is to start out with tiny containers. These make great growing containers because they do not take up much room and will provide your herbs with everything they need to grow. It is very important that you keep your newly planted plants watered often.
When you are growing lemon balm from seed, it is best to choose a sunny location. Sunlight is what makes the herb grows, so it is a good idea to plant it where it gets the majority of its sunlight. You could also grow it in your windowsill. Try to place it about six to eight inches away from your roof so it receives as much sunlight as possible.
Another tip for growing it from seed is to use organic fertilizers. A balanced nutrients program is important when growing anything organic. Make sure to use a high nitrogen fertilizer when growing anything that has a taste of grass in it. As for your indoor plants, use a low nitrogen fertilizer. This is important because the herb likes a well-balanced diet. If you have trouble locating organic fertilizers, you can use fish fertilizer or compost as an alternative.
Many people think that growing lemon balm from seed is pretty easy. However, like all herbs, it does take some special care. In order to get the most out of this herb, you will want to prune it regularly. Cut off the tips of the growing branches that are growing toward the sunlight. Lemon balm will reward you with a full bunch of lovely looking leaves. Cut off any dead growing branches and allow the herb to bloom during the springtime.
As for storing your growing lemon balm from seed, you can wrap it in a plastic bag and place it in a cool dark cupboard. Just be sure that you keep the bag closed when it’s not in use. You may find it a little difficult to keep the bag warm, so you might want to consider placing it in the refrigerator before storing it. As for storage, it will usually last for about a year. That is a very long time when you compare it to traditional growing methods.
One final note regarding growing lemon balm from seed. This herb is not considered a crop by the USDA. The only way to obtain it is by growing it in your very own backyard. If you grow it correctly, you should be able to enjoy the wonderful taste of fresh lemons for many years to come.